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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section A 3a(2)

来源:黑龙江教师发展学院学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-11-03



【摘要】:Step 4:默读课文,针对文章设问 让学生在了解故事主要要素后默读文章。在进一步理解的基础上,学生根据文章内容设计问题并回答。学生设计的更多是

Step 4:默读课文,针对文章设问

让学生在了解故事主要要素后默读文章。在进一步理解的基础上,学生根据文章内容设计问题并回答。学生设计的更多是细节问题,如“What was the king like?Why did the king cry? Who was worried when seeing the king’s problem?According to the doctor,what could make the king happy?”


Step 5:再读课文,完成理解任务


Task 1:Find some details about the king.

The key:He slept badly and didn’t feel like face was always pale as chalk.He often cried for no reason.

Task 2:Why does the writer describe the country“rich and beautiful”instead of saying“in a country”?

根据文中“A long time ago,in a rich and beautiful country,there lived an unhappy king.”学生可以得出答案:“The writer really wanted to emphasis that in such a country,the king should be in fact he wasn’t happy.”

Task 3:Who was called in first?What was the doctor’s idea?

Task 4:Fill in the blanks with the information of the three persons.(见下表)

Who What he had Why he was unhappy The prime minister He had________. peoplH e e ar_e_ t_r_y_i n_g_ _to l_o_s_i n_g_ _h_i s_ .p The________ He had________. SomeH o e n ew t a ri s e w d o to rr_ie_d_ a_b_o_u_t__._______.The________ He_______and everyone________. He was always worried about .

【设计说明】这是深度理解文章的环节,所以设置了较多任务。Task 1 主要学习写作手法,让学生通过体会对皇帝不幸福现状的具体描写,掌握人物细节描写的方法,从而将写作手法运用到写作中。Task 2 是一个开放性问题,让学生体会文章的表达方式,学会通过巧妙的描写提高文章的可读性,思考文章内涵,打开思维,积极交流。Task 3 是故事发展的关键,通过“医生”引出三个关键性人物。Task 4通过填表帮助学生学习语言知识、梳理文章内容,掌握重要的词汇和短语,为接下来的理解作铺垫。

Step 6:好句赏析,积累运用


1.There lived an unhappy king.(倒装句)

2.His face was always pale as chalk.(明喻)

3.What he needs is the shirt of a happy man to wear.(主语从句)

4.It’s true that I’m famous and everyone loves my songs.(主语从句)


Step 7:设置讨论问题

笔者通过PPT 展示以下两个开放性问题:

1.Why did they call the three men to the palace?

2.What really makes them happy?Please choose only one person and have a discussion to find suitable suggestions to make him happy.

学生通过小组合作给出答案。针对第一个问题,学生给出这样的答案:“Because they had power,money and fame. They’re the things that many people really want.In people’s eyes,if they have them,they should be happy.So they were called in to the palace.”针对第二个问题,学生给出的答案是:“I think they forgot who they were,what they should do,what were there they could remember and do their part,they might get happiness instead of worries.”


文章来源:《黑龙江教师发展学院学报》 网址: http://www.hljjyxyxb.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1103/406.html

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